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It is that time in summer with play dates, VBS, and out-of-town guests visiting. I am feeling pulled in many directions. Do I take the kids out for every event possible during the summer or do we take a couple of days and just be lazy at home? I am an introvert that overstimulates very quickly. I panic at the thought of having conversation with strangers. At big parties, I can be found hiding in kitchens or in hallways. We took the kids to Chuck E. Cheese this week and I was more exhausted than the kids were when we left. I passed out in the car after all that stimulation. Loud noises, bright lights, and my kids looking like Vegas gamblers trying to get enough tickets for prizes. Yeesh.
How does an introvert mom parent to an introvert and an extrovert at the same time. This is the struggle. My introvert doesn't mind when I need some downtime. My extrovert doesn't understand if I need just a minute to go to the bathroom by myself. The boys also have different languages - my introvert's love language is gifts and my extrovert's love language is quality time. Did I mention that my husband is an extrovert as well? He is confused on how to parent to our introvert like I am with how to parent our extrovert.
We're only a few weeks into summer and finding a balance is tricky.